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Monday, April 22, 2019

Investigations Eternal

I remember that Benghazi thing, but I don't remember much of the details.  Weren't they trying to pin something on Hillary with that one?  Seems like they have been trying to pin something on Hillary since forever, and on her husband before that, with no success.  As for me, I lost interest in investigations back in the Watergate days.  It was, and still is, the same thing in the news every day, over and over and over.  All they really need to tell us, once, is that an investigation is under way, and then once again when it's over.  Everything in between is just redundant.  The thing is, everybody knew what Nixon was like before the election, and they knew what Trump was like before the election, but they elected both of them anyway.

Speaking of weird elections, did you guys hear about that joker who was recently elected president of the Ukraine by a landslide?  I'm not joking when I call him a joker, he's actually a comedian on TV.  The closest thing he's had to political experience was the time he played the part of an incompetent Ukrainian president in a movie.  I have heard that some actors get so immersed in a part that they become like that in real life.  Well, look at Trump.  He played the part of a mean prick who fires people on TV, and now he is one.

I have thought about Uncle Ken's thought experiment and, all kidding aside, I concluded that I like the current era and my current age just fine.  Neither of them are perfect, nothing ever is,  but they're both better than what has come before.  My only regret is that it took me so long to learn what I know that it's too late to do anything with a lot of it.  It's like that old German proverb:  "Ve get too soon olt und too late schmart."

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