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Sunday, April 28, 2019

Another hunger

Speaking of Old Dog, the last I heard he was being troubled by loss of appetite.

Whatever was causing the loss of appetite appears to have vanished.  I think my taste buds and sense of smell are finally working properly and I'm getting much joy and pleasure of chowing down.  The minor changes I've been making in my apartment have greatly improved the kitchen situation and I've been cooking up a storm.  It started with the biscuits and gravy, then I baked a nice blueberry pie, and last night I put some pinto beans to soaking so I could make some refried beans.  It's at the point where if I have a hankering for something I'll find a recipe online and make it my own damn self.  This morning, for instance; I had a taste for breakfast burritos like you can get at McDonald's.  No tortillas?  No problem, they're real easy to make and a lot better tasting than most commercial alternatives, and cheaper, too.


Well, Uncle Ken, I can state with 100% certitude that the clap hurts like a bitch and is not a recommended experience.  What the "comfort ladies" of Okinawa and the liberated Southern Belles could not accomplish was achieved by an unlikely candidate, a long-term steady girlfriend of the college co-ed persuasion.  It puts a strain on a relationship to inform your girlfriend that she has the clap and that's all I'm going to say about the matter.


Always glad to learn a new word like lexigraphy; thanks, Uncle Ken.  And that got me thinking not only of a word's meaning but also it's use and context.  There was a recent conference with a lot of political movers and shakers that was, apparently, addressing the needs of minority women in the political arena. I heard an interview where this one participant kept mentioning "women of color" and it occurred to me that "colored women" means the same thing.  Or doesn't it?  A person could get a poke in the nose for using words in the wrong order.

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