We went to Camp Kiwanis a few times when I was in the Scouts. I remember staying in those barracks type cabins and in our pup tents at least once. Another time we started out in tents, but ended up in a cabin because of the weather. We had just set up our camp and were in the process of cooking supper over open fires. We had three or four different fires going and each group was cooking something different. I seem to remember that our group was doing cube steaks. The rain didn't deter us at first, until it put out our cooking fires and filled our pots with water. Then a ranger came roaring into camp in his pick-up truck and told us that we had to evacuate immediately because, the last time it rained this hard, our camp site was under three feet of water. We struck our tents, threw all our gear on them, hastily rolled everything up, and threw it into the ranger's truck. Then he led the way to one of those cabins and wished us the best of luck before racing off the save someone else. The cabin had a coal burning stove, which was a good thing because we were soaking wet and starting to shiver by then. We steamed ourselves dry in short order, and then started wondering what to do about supper. There was a big cannibal pot, I don't remember if it was ours or it came with the cabin, into which we dumped the remains of our aborted cooking attempts, including the rain water that went with them. Then we dumped in some canned goods to thicken it up, including some peaches, which proved to be a nice touch. We simmered it on the coal stove for awhile, and it turned out really good. Tasted better than it looked anyway. If we'd have had more adventures like that, I might have re-enlisted in the Scouts, but mostly we just went to meetings, so I got out after three years, six if you count the Cub Scouts.
I don't remember the sand hill, the only hill I remember near Palos is the toboggan slide. I went there once with some kids. I wasn't crazy about it, too fast for my taste, but then I never did enjoy roller coasters either.
I think that Old Joe is Joe Biden. I seem to remember reading about him apologizing for touching all those people. Said that he never meant any harm by it, but promised not to do it again because times are different now.
I think the Democrats are making the same mistake that the Republicans made last time, too many candidates. I am hoping that somebody runs against Trump in the primaries this time, just one guy, not a dozen or two.
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