Remember that Christmas light thing? I made jpgs from my petitions and along with an accompanying, rather florid, email sent them off to an address that supposedly resulted in all the board members getting a copy. I thought I would have heard back from at least one of them, but I never did. Because I am a student at Truman College I have a Truman email account but I never access it, and I wondered if something like that was going on with my letter to the board members.
But then a few days before last night's board meeting I learned that my letter and petitions were on the agenda. I kind of loaded up for bear, preparing stinging phrases to sling at them and whatnot. As I wrote in a letter to a friend recently I wanted to vanquish the
board and stand over their bloody bodies and give a tarzan yell. But really that is no way to make your point in the modern world, or at a boring board meeting anyway.
And it turns out the board was not all that sure about it themselves. The white only rule only won by a narrow vote and those who voted against it were eager to revisit the issue, and maybe my hundred signatures weren't all that many out of almost a thousand apartments, but it was more of a survey than the board had ever done, and in the end while they couldn't vote it out that very night, they did vote to revisit the issue and to take a survey, which from the results of my experience I am confident that it will go my way. So even if I didn't get the fireworks I wanted, I think it went well enough.
Well of course you can't go back in time. It is a thought experiment. That's like those politicians that say they won't answer a question because it is hypothetical when actually most of what we talk about is hypothetical. I was going to hold back on my preferences to see what the dawgs had to say, but since Beagles declines I will tell mine, and actually it's not that surprising. I'd go back to the sixties, let's say 1968 to be specific. I was 23 at the time, which looking back, I was too melodramatic, so let's put the age at 34, that was the age at which I decided to go to computer school so I was a little mature at that age.
And yesterday was the Mueller report. It does seem damning enough in the way Trump and gang told blatant lies to the American people and how Trump tried to stifle the report. But really isn't that something we all already know? Apparently a sitting prez cannot be indicted and Trump's hold on the republicans is as strong as ever so I don't see any major change in all this.
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