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Thursday, April 4, 2019

matters of the day

I couldn't get to Old Dog's article because it didn't like my adblocker.  I don't know why people don't just say what the article says instead of the reader having to plow through a lot of verbiage to get the point.  I don't know the particulars of this case but sometimes it turns out the cops did most of the shooting.  Why are bikers doing shooting anyway, shouldn't they be fighting with like chains and wrenches?  Where is their respect for tradition?

I don't think the monikers progressive and lefty mean anything more than pretty lefty,  It is interesting that some dems proudly brandish the label socialist, but still nobody dares call themselves a liberal.  I remember thirty years ago talking to an old Champaign buddy who had gone to Texas and turned quite conservative (he was a Buchananite), about the upcoming gay pride parade here in Chicago, and he was a little shocked about it, "And I suppose Mayor Daley will be leading the parade," he asked snidely.  Well not leading it, I answered but towards the front, followed by every elected official and wannabe official in the city.  During the primary there were Daley III and that disgruntled cop, and a self-made black billionaire who was vaguely Trumpist and very much the bible thumper, but none of them ever went Epton.

And, as has been pointed out, not only is Lightfoot a black lesbian, she is a short black lesbian with a white wife.  Another old Champaign buddy of mine, a white guy, turned quite radical in his old age and was constantly ranting about the crap that white men were doing, and we jokingly said of him, well you know he has a white wife, a blonde at that.  Short people, I don''t know, I guess they are fine citizens and all, but don't we non height-challenged types smirk just a bit when they ask us to get them something off the top shelf.

 I guess I didn't really notice any neighborhoods except my own and downtown when  I was growing up.  To the south and west the houses got bigger and further apart, and to the north and east they squeezed together more and you had more two and three flats and larger apartment buildings.  If you went east there was the ghetto, getting a little closer every day.  To get downtown we took the 55th Street bus which went straight east to Wentworth then north to downtown.  After Western, black people started getting on and at the halfway mark it was half and half.  it was a little tense, but I don't remember anything ever happening.

When I was ushering for the movie Cleopatra at the State Lake half the ushers were from the north side.  They looked just like us, except, you know, they were different, more sophisticated somehow.  Well maybe that was what came of having to convert your street names to numbers to figure out a distance.  I was fascinated by the fact that just as I lived at 5607 South Homan, fourteen miles to the north there was a 5607 N Homan.  What sort of people lived there?  Did they walk on their hands and talk backwards?

In google maps there are no boundaries for Bay View and I guess it is just a neighborhood in Petoskey within which Methodist Manor resides.  Probably I was just looking at the po' side of town when I saw those small shabby houses.

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