Uncle Ken, I may have met your sister and her husband last year at one of your corn-fueled openings but my memory for names has gotten worse over the years. Please extend my condolences to your sister. That line looks weird to me, like it's not properly phrased. but I'm drawing a blank; there must be a better way to express such sentiments.
Where were the toboggan slides, Dan Ryan, Palos Park, or both? When I ran cross country in high school our arch-rival was Luther South (we were Luther North) and their home course was in Dan Ryan Woods, if memory serves. Anyhow, we had to run up that damn toboggan slide, twice, and it was a killer. Unless you have your own toboggan slide to practice on I don't think you can properly train for it; bleachers are a poor substitute. It might have been fun sliding down those runs in the wintertime but running up them on a chilly and drizzly October afternoon? Not so much.
I read something interesting about the Berlin Wall recently and maybe Mr. Beagles can offer additional insights. Between the East and West sectors there was an expansive "no man's land," heavily populated by thousands of rabbits. Since there were no predators the rabbits were in their own little neutral zone, safe from harm and peril. Was watching the rabbits a pastime enjoyed by all?
The Mueller report seems to be dead in the water.
I'm not so sure about that. That four page summary from Barr came out amazingly quickly for a document that had hundreds of pages and I bet there were thousands of attachments to go with it. The Republicans are going over the report with a fine toothed comb, redacting their asses off, in order to put the best possible spin on the whole situation, Although Mueller may not have come to any definitive conclusion I bet that he has set up a roadmap for further investigations. This isn't over, not by a long shot, and I expect the full report will be leaked if it hasn't been already. But it could be that there is really nothing in the report that we don't already know, plenty of evidence of shady and unethical behavior but nothing specifically illegal that can be proven in a court of law.
With all of the accusations against Trump over the last couple of years there is only one that has really gotten under his skin, the fact that he cheats at golf. Maybe that will prove to be his ultimate undoing; the Republicans with the deep pockets can forgive a lot of sins but cheating at golf? Never!
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