I never said that nobody ever said Chicks up front. What I said is that it was not a thing, as in was widely spoken of, or put into practice anywhere. The difficulty of tracking it down attests to the former, and also to the latter, which common sense also inveighs against. Who would do such a thing?.
I think not enough was made about the increase in democratic governors. It is good that Beagles will now enjoy the good government that the dems provide and I was especially pleased that the pissant in our neighbor to the north came a cropper. This will be a census year and the governors will have a heavy hand in redistricting. Note how Pennsylvania, stripped of its republican gerrymandering, delivered four congressional pickups to the dems.
The only people speaking of impeachment are the more extreme elements of our base and the reps who would love nothing more than for the dems to attempt it. As Beagles well knows removal requires two thirds of the senate which will never happen. Why impeach if you cannot remove?
If you are going to strike at the king you better kill him, otherwise keep your powder dry. I added the dry powder part, but I thought the former was from Napoleon, but being unsure I went to the google and it turns out that it was Emerson. One normally doesn't think of Emerson giving advice on such subjects. But then one doesn't think much of Emerson at all. Those transcendentalists, I think they tried to shove them down my throat in high school, but they were even more boring than the founding fathers.
Actually the founding fathers aren't that boring at all. It's just that the way we were taught in school where they were all a bunch of goodly saints, makes one reluctant to pick up a serious book on them. In reality they were quite a cast of characters, and they were doing something brand new, and cynic that I am I have to admit they did a pretty good job. It boggles the mind however how they thought they could avoid political parties.
This just in to my brain and not fully thought out. What if either the reps or the dems completely annihilated the other so that there was only one party? Since there would still be liberals and conservatives in the public, the party would have to accommodate them, so there would be factions within The Party, but factions are looser coalitions than parties, and pols can slip much easier between them so maybe there would be more congeniality.
What do the dawgs think of this? I am not saying that anything like this could ever happen, it is just a thought experiment.
While Beagles is looking up the JC quote, maybe he can also find out whatever happened to The Caravan which was menacing our nation not all that long ago. Surely it was not just a shiny bauble that has now lost its usefulness.. .
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