When the prez said he tells the truth when he can, he was lying like always. Nothing he says speaks volumes beyond whatever is going on in his childish mind at the time. There are two kinds of liars, the artful liars like Bill Clinton who knows there is a real world, the Objective Reality, out there and uses actual facts to weave a web of deceit that can be beauteous to behold. And then there are guys like Trump who have little conception of the universe and somehow think that by saying something they can make it so, a conception that a spoiled brat, surrounded his whole life by yes men can easily come to.
I remain unclear about whether Beagles is for the army shooting on the Caravan. I note that the prez is now calling on the army to shoot at anybody who tosses rocks, but I think this is a chest beat too far and the army will ignore it. They won't even be on the front lines they will be in some sort of support role which I suspect will consist of sitting in the barracks playing cards. I guess they will be available to form into snappy march formations which the Prez can enjoy when he comes down to visit, having been so cruelly denied the street crushing parade in DC he once craved.
Wait a minute, where did this come from? The good old boys with their deer rifles have promised to stay out of the way. Last I heard, they were planning to take up positions well to the rear and be prepared to serve as backup support only if needed. Is there some kind of organization of deer hunters who were planning to get in the way, but now are going to pull back and take pot shots or something? Did they have a meeting somewhere and declare this? Who are these guys? They have made a promise? Who? Where? When? Where did Beagles hear this?
Later on hippydom the media came to sort of like us, we were colorful, our declarations had a pleasing simple noble sound, peace and love, who could be against peace and love? But early on we were despised, anytime some tv show had a depiction of hippies in the plots of their dumb shows, we were shown in a bad light. I expect that is where Beagles picked up the Chicks up front thing. Again, these were our wives, girlfriends, and sisters, why would we push them into the bayonets?
It was the CIA, not the commies that destabilized those central American countries. Go to the wiki, I don't have all day to set you straight.
Where does Beagles get the idea that 5,000 migrants are going to destabilize the mighty USA? He sure doesn't have any faith in his country does he? What does the world look like through his binoculars.
My world has taken a sudden downturn. My papers used to hit my door promptly at the stroke of five and now it is six thirty and they are not yet here. And when the Sun-Times arrives, the usual three pages of comics will be reduced to one! Clearly the print media cannot keep up with the internet in news, but one thing it had that the internet didn't was comics. They have always been at the center of the paper, the dessert one savors after a hearty meal of news and columns. It is a black day.
brilliant post