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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Tuesday Tuesday

I hope that there are connectivity problems up north and that Beagles is ok.  I think Old Dog has a post Tuesday and Thursday and one other day over the weekend so he is not to be expected this morning, so in the meantime I am here on my lonesome this Tuesday morning with light snow and Thanksgiving just around the corner and after that the great yawning maw of Christmas followed by that long dark stretch of nothing but winter clear up to the yellow green ridge of spring cresting the horizon a little past March.

Am I stretching things out?  Perhaps a bit.  I touched briefly on the subject of the separation of the generations in my last post..  I noticed the other day that I hardly know anybody that was young.  There is Jordan, the Friday night bartender, and generally there are one or two au pairs taking the watercolor class and that's it.  What are young people up to these days?  

Their phones I guess.  I guess their phones are like portals to this whole world of like reddit and instagram, well probably what they are really into is stuff I wouldn't know the names of but I'll wager consists mostly of idle chatter and prettified pictures of themselves.

They appear to like music.  They have all this awful pop music, but then pop music has always been awful.  A lot of them still like that rap crap that you think would have faded out years ago.  They still have rock and roll, but what little I hear of it on the radio it sounds kind of blah.

There is this socially aware thing, which I guess I should applaud, but so much of it seems to be channeled into that politically correct venue that one hates to engage in conversation with them lest one use the wrong word or phrase and be banished to the world of the enemy.

What are old people up to these days?  It seems like for a long time all we did was watch Matlock, but I haven't heard that lately so maybe we are into something else.  Does seem when I am among my generation I hear a lot about maladies and medicines, but I think it has ever been such,  And then there is that rich vein of conversation: kids these days.

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