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Monday, November 12, 2018

not many parties, ONE party

The communist party is exactly what  I was thinking of when I thought of the One Party.  Surely within the communist parties there are guys who, within that restricted range, are more to the right or to the left, they must have some informal coalitions, but those would be fine,  It seems like they are mostly ceremonial in nature.  How often do you see any commie leader in trouble because their party voted against them? Another big problem is that you have to be a commie to join.

In Uncle Ken's One Big Happy Party (OBHP) anybody could join, probably you would have to be a citizen.  You would have to sign something agreeing to not form a formal party.  The language of that could be tricky, but lest's say it's doable.  All elections would be like primaries, anybody could run, though maybe you would need petitions to keep the ballots from being too big.  One advantage would be that you would have to articulate your ideas and programs more clearly, you couldn't just say vote for me because of my party because everybody would be a member of the same party,  I kind of like that voting system where you vote for your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd candidate and they get respectively like 5, 3, and 1 point, and the guy with the most points win.  People would have to raise money on their own, they would get no OBHP money.  The elections would be limited to a certain amount of time like I believer the British are, or were.  There would be official forums where the candidates would lay out their agenda., some tv shows where all candidates would appear, but no commercials like we see now.  Do the dawgs see any changes they want to make on my system?

The reason the green and libertarian parties don't get many votes is that most people don't like their agendas.  Some of their ideas, legal pot, and a clean environment may be popular, but the way to move them into actualization is to have them adopted by a major party, just as the dems took the 40 hour week from the progressives and made it their own.

It may or may not be relevant, but I'm reminded of a quote by the late, great, Charles Bukowski when he said “The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.”

I think Mr Bukowski is stealing from WB Yeats' The best lack all conviction while the worst are full of passionate intensity, but probably many said something similar before him.. I always thought it was a weakness of the liberals against the commies and the hard rightists who have no doubts.  But if you think a lot about things you are bound to have doubts, just the nature of the universe.

Happy Veterans day guys.  By the way do either of the dawgs get benefits from the VA?

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