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Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Have a nice slice of chocolate cake Mr Prez, with my special icing.

The big difference between OBHP and no party at all would be that you would have to sign something agreeing not to form a formal party (I think money sharing would be the main definition of a formal party).  If you broke that rule you would be kicked out of OBHP and since that is the only party allowed you wouldn't be able to run for anything.  The problem with the more the merrier is that if the party decides to do something you have to go along with that to get your money, 

This Armistice Day thing, the railing about Florida not counting all its votes, the recent impending beheadings with Madame Melani joining the sharp-axed crew, do seem to be signs of Trump going off the railings.  I looked up martial law and it's a bit complicated, referring mostly to military rule over civilians.  I don't think you could use martial law to put in a supreme court justice or pass a bill through congress or even to ban a pesky reporter. 

Those press conferences are mostly circuses.  I don't think much information comes out of them.  I think what the prez hates most about the press, maybe even more than calling him a liar, is that they backtalk him.  He has always been surrounded by yes men and he hates backtalk.  I don't see the White Shadow making any overt moves, not if he's smart.  Interesting that his man is now being considered for the soon to be late Kelly's post.  So much easier to slip something into the diet coke from that cozy relationship.

Aljazeera is not run by a bunch of Islamic terrorists, in fact it is frequently the enemy of them as well as of the bloody sword dancing Saudis.  But they are Arabs so I think in Beagles' world outlook that makes them terrorists.  I don't think clicking on their link would bring terrorism right into Beagles' frontroom, any more than clicking a link on The Caravan brings busboys storming into his kitchen to whisk away the empty coffee cup and wipe down his table.

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