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Friday, November 9, 2018

Down in front

I like to take a break from this forum once in a while, not only for the sake of my own sanity but also to avoid getting sucked into prolonged and meaningless discussions.  This whole "chicks up front" business, for instance.  Despite Uncles Ken's assertions, it was indeed a "thing," not a big one but a thing nonetheless; a cover story of a major national magazine made it so.  You are free to think otherwise.

And that caravan business?  Too much we don't really know but it seems to me that it is less of an invasion than a somewhat cohesive group of gatecrashers who are unlikely to be armed and dangerous.  I expect a measured and restrained response when they do show up at the border but with Trump at the helm any predictions would be futile.

That's the thing about Trump, his complete unpredictability and his capacity to flip 180 degrees on any issue at a moment's notice.  He deserves a little credit, though, in that he has made us painfully aware of some of the shortcomings of our political system.  I don't think there is any loophole that he hasn't examined thoroughly and is willing to exploit.  Despite any investigations and legal proceedings, what do you suppose will happen when the eventual court cases against him get appealed all the way to the Supreme Court?  He could very well walk away unscathed, as loathsome as that idea may be, and remain the Black Swan of American politics.

It may or may not be relevant, but I'm reminded of a quote by the late, great, Charles Bukowski when he said “The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.”

And to help me keep things on an even keel here's a video of a guy serenading his cattle with a trombone.

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