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Monday, October 19, 2015

turning the other cheek

I see in your first paragraph you are talking about somebody taking over,  and since that phrase has no definition I'll just ride right by it.

And my mind is eased that Ronald Reagan did not not need major surgery and a somewhat humiliating ride to that snooty Alanson in some tacky, squirrel-shit speckled, rumbling, terribly out of date, I am sure, trailer.  I have taken the liberty of naming your tractor Ronald Reagan because I don't believe you pursue the charming affectation of naming things.  I don't think you even call Old Betsy, Old Betsy.  And I know you guys love to name things Ronald Reagan.

I think Old Betsy was the muzzle loader.  I remember we talked about her a little bit about the time her stock cracked.  So that leaves the other one, her sister, who I assume to be a regular rifle, whatever I mean by that.  Oh I know, like The Rifleman where, well I wasn't sure what he did so I went YouTube and I am still not sure what he is doing, some rapid fancy fingerwork with the breech(?) between kapows, with shells flying out every whichway, quite dramatic, and quite the action to give those RINOs some pause before they dare compromise with the Democrat/Socialist/Commie/Muslim/gay horde. 

So I guess a good name for her would be Sarah Palin, or maybe for those more intimate moments when it's just the two of you alone out there in the blind on a snowy winter day, you could call her Mama Grizzly.  She'd like that.

I think all religions have some kind of rule where they have to be nice to each other.  I've heard that the golden rule exists in some form in all religions.  I'd look that up, but I have already spent my internet research on The Rifleman, kapow, kapow. 

Anyway as a good Methodist I am sure you know that it was St Paul (Doesn't the guy have a name for Chrissake?  It's okay for those papists with their idolatrous ways to go around calling people saints, but it's not the sort of thing we Methodists cotton to (where is that Rifleman when we need him?)) who decided that Christianity was too good for just the Jews and belonged to everybody, and therefore you had to be nice to everybody.

And I guess it worked out pretty well as long as the Christians were a bunch of nobodies but once they got popular, once they got the cool kids and the jocks on their side, that niceness was just not practical.

How about turn the other cheek?  You see that quoted all the time.  Nobody doubts that it is something Jesus wanted us to do.  Nobody argues that we shouldn't do it, but who the hell does it?  How many episodes of The Rifleman ended with him bursting into the saloon where the bank robbers were holed up, and he walks right up to their leader and turns the other cheek?

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