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Tuesday, October 6, 2015

"The Road to Hell is Paved With Good Intentions"

I can think of five different names that commonly refer to the area around Beaglesonia:  North Country, God's Country, Straits Area, Tip of the Mitt, and River Town. While Beaglestan has a nice ring to it, I doubt that it will ever catch on, too Islamic. Truth be known, Beaglesonia never caught on either, even my hypothetical wife refuses to call it that. I am not familiar with "that somnolent New Madrid fellow". Does he live around here?

What you say about helping people is true as far as it goes, but I can't help everybody in the whole wide world, and I don't feel guilty about that. Of course I care about those people, but there isn't much I can do for them, so I try not to worry about it too much. I suppose you mean that we could help them collectively through our government, but I'm just not a collective kind of guy. There are lots of other people who are, so let them worry about it.

Sometimes government help is not all it's cracked up to be anyway. I have heard lots of criticism of FEMA over the years. It seems that, no matter what they do, somebody is not satisfied with it. This is what happens when you try to be all things to all men, it seems that you piss off as many people as you please. Remember Hurricane Katrina? When those levees were first built, I'm sure the intention was to help people, but one of the consequences was that people were encouraged to build houses on land that was technically below sea level, which turned out to be not such a good idea. Then there's Iraq, which was already broken before our government went in there to help fix it. I don't know if Iraq is worse off now that it was before, but I don't think it's a whole lot better.

We don't have a problem with Mexicans around here but, from what I read and see on television, it seems that they do in other parts of the country. I suppose some people don't like any kind of Mexicans, but I think the main concern is all those illegal immigrants. Now they want to give them amnesty, which has been tried at least once before. I believe it was during the Reagan administration, which goes to show that even Republicans can screw up occasionally. Anybody who has trained dogs or kids will tell you that, if you reward bad behavior, you are just going to get more of it.

I read somewhere that there is actually less poverty in the world now than there used to be, but it doesn't seem like it. I think that's because everybody is focused on the difference between the rich and the poor instead of the average world wide wealth. Personally, I don't care if other people have more money than I do, as long as I have enough to get by. If I wanted to be rich when I grew up, I would have gone to college, and then kissed my way up the corporate ladder. They say that money can't buy happiness. Actually it can but, if you have to give up your happiness to get the money, it's just not worth it to me. If somebody else thinks it's worth it, more power to them, but I don't expect them to share the fruits of their efforts with me.

I'm not so sure that Europeans don't want to immigrate to the U.S. They used to come over in droves until our government changed their immigration policies back in the '60s. Now, with Europe itself being over run with aliens, it seems that the regular Europeans will soon be looking for a home, if they aren't already. I want what's good for everybody as much as you do, and I think it would be good for everybody to live among their own kind. Give the Middle East to Russia, give Europe to the Middle Easterners, and give America back to the Europeans. The Native American Indians can stay, there aren't that many of them, and many Americans are fond of casino gambling.

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