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Thursday, October 22, 2015

good books

This is what I got with a few minutes of internet research:  I just remember hearing over and over about how all religions have some version of the golden rule.  One thing, I think those non Abrahamic religions don't really have books in the sense that the Abrahamic books have some form of the bible, they have teaching and writings but nothing like The Book. 

There was a Koran passed around the watercolor class.  I avoided it like the plague because you know how I feel about religion, but one day I forgot my magazine to read on the train home so I took it home with me.  I poked my nose into it a little but it was like all that religious crappo all flowery language and silliness.

I'm going to stick with my main thesis that all religions tell their followers to be nice to everybody.  I mean how could they ever become very popular if they didn't do that?

I think my even mainer thesis was that it doesn't matter how nice they tell people to be because people are going to use the religions for their own means and people aren't always nice.  Oh that's right I was talking about that Armstrong book and she was talking about how people wrongly blame religion for the violence that happens in its name, because its not religion's fault because if you read the scriptures they have nothing but nice things to say.

Religion just seems sometimes to be something like the atomic bomb, maybe something more than people can handle.  You know I think niceness comes before religion, and religion just uses it.  Maybe we'd be better off without it, but it also seems like no civilization gets very far in its development before it develops some kind of religion.

I'm not saying the Good Lord told me to tell you the names for your vehicles and tools of venison destruction, but I'm not saying He didn't either.  Don't you stand a little taller, a little prouder, looking out at Ronald Reagan standing indomitable in the freehold?  Don't you get a little thrill when you pick up Mama Grizzly on the way to the blind and coo, "Let's get us a deer Mama," and you can hear her purring back, "You betcha."

I'm just trying to make life in the freehold better for you, so you don't come down here and try to take us over.

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