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Thursday, June 8, 2023

Jumpin' Jack(fruit) Flash

My, how they've grown!  Yesterday's image was taken 5 days ago and here are some pix taken today.

This is the whole "stick" and you can see it only has one leaf left.  See that bud below the dead leaf?  Same bud, but today it's 20mm long, not the 2mm of yesterday's pic.

Here's a closer look...

You can see a tiny speck of green on the node below this bud; this little guy is only 1mm tall.

Further down the stem there's yet another little bud but the angle is wrong and you can't see it, ridiculously small at .5mm.  Crazy, huh?


As a special treat for Uncle Ken, here's a pic I stumbled across the other day.  It might even be his condo but only he will know for sure.

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