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Thursday, October 20, 2022

Covid is Alive and Well in Red China

Remember a couple years ago when Covid was new, and the Red Chinese were bragging that they were the only country in the world that had a handle on it?  Well, it seems they still have a handle on it, or it might be more accurate to say that Covid still has a handle on them.

"The world has largely moved on from Covid - except for China, where towns and cities are still shut down overnight."

"Driven by Mr. Xi's approval, China's lockdowns have been incessant, unpredictable and hellish by most accounts. They have sparked food shortages, crippled healthcare access, hit the economy hard and even spurred rare signs of protest."

I read with interest Uncle Ken's account of how his hippie friends dealt with the racoon in their house.  My parents in Palos Park once had their crawlspace attic infested with a whole family of the critters.  They didn't get into the living quarters, however, except for the time that one of them fell through a hole in the ceiling and ended up inside a cupboard.  I don't remember how they got it out of there, maybe my mother's screaming and slamming the cupboard door caused it to scurry back up from whence it came.  Anyway, my dad consulted with an expert from the Cook County Forest Preserve who advised him to find out how they got in, and when he was sure they were out on night patrol, nail a board over the hole.  Then, for Heaven's sake, stop feeding them!  Our own DNR puts out a notice every spring that people should make sure their garbage cans are securely covered and even take down their bird feeders for a few weeks until the recently awakened bears have moved on and found another food source.

As for those assholes in Australia, what can I say?  Death is not pretty under the best of circumstances, but some people can make it really ugly.  I would never watch a movie like that.  If I want to see death, destruction and cruelty, all I've got to do is tune into the evening news on TV.  


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