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Monday, July 18, 2022

easy indeed on the banks of the Chicago

 My apartment points straight east, come the equinox I will see the sun rise over the little slot of lake that I can see between the IBM building and the London House.  The balcony above me will cut off the noontime sun.  I do catch a couple hours more on the south side of the balcony.  I plant the bulk of my tomatoes there and it seems sufficient for their needs, but I think they would prefer to be on terra firma where they could get the sun all day long.  I get a lot of those delightful yellow flowers but many of them drop off the vine before forming that luscious firetruck red fruit.  I never get as many tomatoes as I would like but at the time that they ripen tomatoes will be dirt cheap, and I love their deep green foliage and the way my hands smell after reaching into it.

The ambient light is not so much, though when the angle is right I sometimes get a reflection almost as bright as the sun.

I wonder if Old Dog could get some of those marijuana grow lights to perk up his trees or, being the mad scientist that he claims he isn't, if he could rig up some substitute.

One of the bad things about the sparseness of posts is that by the time somebody comments on your previous post you no longer remember what you were talking about, and I am disinclined to look for it so I will just say this (is) America and you can do whatever you want, is something I have been saying all my life.  I imagine I picked it up in my early years at Tonti School when WW II and the devastation was still on people's minds, and so it was great to be in America by contrast.  I guess sometimes I am being patriotic and sometimes I am being ironic.

In two months I will have lived in Marina City for thirty years so I have been here for the fortieth and fiftieth birthday of Marina City and I don't recall much hoopla for those years and don't expect any for the sixtieth.

But this is Chicago and your building can be as old as it wants to be.

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