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Friday, July 29, 2022

Advance to the Rear

 That was the name of a movie I saw many years ago.  It was a comedy, set in the days of the old blue coat army.  I don't remember much about it, but the central theme was that a company of soldiers retreated when they should have advanced.  In the subsequent investigation, one of the soldiers was asked why he had retreated on that day.  He replied, "I didn't know we were retreating, I thought we were just advancing in a different direction."  I am also reminded of the old saying, "If you don't know where you're going, you're liable to wind up somewhere else."  My point is, before our nation can move forward, we must first agree on which way is forward.  What some people consider forward, others consider backward.  If we could all agree on where forward is, we'd likely already be there.

I saw a brief article about this "Forward" group on my news app last night.  I found it interesting, so I clicked on the link to their official website.  Now that I have read the Wiki article, I think I know all I need to know about these people.  I have been looking for a new home since the Trumpists took over the Republicans and the gays took over the Libertarians, but this ain't it.  Here's another article about this:

Michigan's primary is coming up in a few days, and I'm about as ready for it as I will ever be.  There are three contested races for the Republican nominations for Governor, state house, and state senate.  As near as I can tell, all the candidates are Trump fans, varying only in degree.  I tried to pick the least Trumpiest ones and was aided by a couple of attack ads that identified them as fake Trumpists. 


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