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Tuesday, June 14, 2022

It's a pretty good show though

 There are all kinds of ways to resolve what is true when there is a disagreement.  We must have discussed this a million times.  For one thing don't take the word of somebody who says we discussed something a million times because that certainly is not true.

You're better off taking the word from someone who has knowledge of the subject, your doctor or mechanic for instance, rather than the guy on the next barstool.  And when you get an expert make sure he is not some kind of outlier.  The anti-global warming folks used to trot out some character who had their point of view. and by way of bolstering their point would note that he was a Harvard professor,  But if being a Harvard professor was so important why did they ignore what the other 99 percent of Harvard professors say?  And serial liars you want to avoid them.  Of course sometimes everybody is wrong and there is not much to be done about that.  

Anyway just because there are two dissenting views is no reason to wave your hands in the air.  It's not that hard to tell which side is more likely to have the truth.

When McCarthy was asked to choose republicans to be on the committee he chose all bomb throwers like Coatless Jim Jordan and guys who were likely guilty of compliance with the operation.  And the dems wisely gave them thumbs down.  Of course McCarthy knew that  and he wanted it to be a partisan vehicle so that he could rail against it.  But notice that as much as they rail against it, they do not dispute the findings.  Because there are no rep gunslingers no time is wasted on fire breathing reps and pontificating dems who were basically just making speeches which was boring and likely to give you a headaches.  This is more like a seminar where a thesis is advanced and is proved.

The proof is mostly in the witnesses who are all Trump people who had been lying their asses off because lying to the American people is not a crime, but lying to congress is and they don't want to go to jail so now they are being honest for the first time.

So that is all very entertaining and you might want to drop in for just fifteen minutes to see what is going on.  But this is America and you don't have to if you don't want.  The lame stream media is doing a good enough job on this and if you want to limit your exposure to an article or two a day, five minutes on the subject from some talking head I think you will get a pretty good idea of what is going on.

Some people like to just skim the box score the next morning,  Myself I like to watch the game.

The heat dome is settling over us and I am having my show opening Wednesday night and I will have an out of town guest from Tuesday to Thursday, so I probably won't be posting until next week.

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