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Thursday, May 19, 2022

No Lumpsuckers in Beaglesonia

One of the many things that Chicago has and Beaglesonia doesn't have is lumpsuckers.  (I am not making this up!)  I came across this story last night and thought it might be of interest to my esteemed colleagues.

Funny thing about traffic noise, and noise in general, is that you get used to it and don't notice it as long as it is constant.  It's when there's a sudden change in the noise level that you notice it.  That's not just human nature, it's animal nature as well.  You can drive right up to a deer in a motor vehicle that is idling along at a steady speed, but if you rev up the engine or shut it off, the deer will spook. 

We saw the first half of the eclipse the other night, right up to totality, before the clouds rolled in and obscured the second act.  We didn't use any magnification equipment or take any photos, but it was clearly visible right out our front door.

I don't know what to think about the recent turn of events in Mariupol.  The first report I heard was that those guys were being evacuated, but it soon became apparent that they were surrendering and are now in Russian custody.  They might have fought to the last man if they hadn't been ordered to surrender, but it was probably for the best.  Their heroic sacrifice wouldn't have accomplished much except to provide a rallying cry like "Remember the Alamo!"  This way there is at least a chance that they might live to fight another day.  The good news is that the Russians are getting their asses kicked on the northern end of the front, and the Ukrainians have actually retaken some of their previously lost ground.  

Idit ebat sebe!

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