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Friday, May 20, 2022

no Lake Isle Innisfree here

 I like the solids, but better than that I like the story behind them.  Reminds me of those Friday seminars and the 3d printer and the cad/cam machine, and the Asian roaches. Oh and the castor beans.  Was afraid he was going to end up in the pokey over that one.

But this one is more mathematical than the gentleman scientist studies of yore.  In science you know you can have any number of mammals or stars or minerals, but in math only so many platonic solids.  Just because.

What of the construction?  How is the skin split to construct the solid?

Downtown is no Lake Isle Innisfree.  When I first moved here I was like this will be pretty nice when they finish up that construction, but of course construction is never done.  And then there are the firetrucks.  When I first moved in and a dozen trucks were clanging and roaring down the streets I thought what the hell is going on but it turned out that what was going on was Tuesday.

And the motorcycles and especially since the covid the hot rods.  It's loud as fuck, and twenty one stories up is not nearly far away enough.

I wrote this early last night and then just before turning in, I took another look and there was Beagles talking about lumpsuckers.  I had come across that article earlier on in fb I think, but had been unable to read it because it was behind a USA Today firewall.  But somehow it was available because MSN took it up.  The author, Rex Huppke was one of my favorite reads when he wrote for the Trib before it was boarded by pirates and he was the victim of cost cutting.

Who would have known that the Russkie army would be so lousy?  Well I have been reading that for years.  New draftees are the prey of the guys who have been in longer, have their stuff stolen and get beaten up until they have been there awhile and then they are doing the stealing and beating up.  Corruption is rampant.  

Beyond that Putin is widely reported to be sick, puffy and not eating at dinners and isolated.  I read another report that many of the civilians are against the war.  But not because they think it is wrong, but because they think it is not being prosecuted strongly enough, that some mysterious internal forces are keeping their boys from victory.  I remember that going around here during the dwindling of that crazy Asian war.

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