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Thursday, February 4, 2021

The People Have Spoken

I submit to Beagles that the question is not is Trump a double agent (which is very close to what Qanon is saying), as to what is wrong with a political party that so happily breaks down like a shotgun for him?  Is this a party worth saving?" - Uncle Ken

What little I know about Qanon I picked up from listening to a few minutes of an NPR interview that came over the radio while I was driving my pickup.  I'm surprised to hear that they accuse Trump of being a double agent, I thought they were fans of his.  Some people were saying way back in 2016 that Trump was a "Trojan horse".  I suppose, since Trojans are rubbers and rubbers go on a dick, that makes some sense, but I think that "double agent" is more accurately descriptive.  

I don't remember any Republicans being favorable to Trump before, or even after, he won the nomination, it was only after he won the election that they started saying nice things about him.  I speculated at the time that this was because he won the election.  They had nominated two reasonable candidates in the two previous elections and they both lost.  Along comes Trump and he wins.  The people had spoken, and the party listened.  Now the people have spoken again, and the party must listen again if they want to stay in business.

Since the days of Ross Perot, both major parties seem to have assimilated their lunatic fringes.  The Democrats seem to have theirs under control, at least for now, the Republicans, not so much, but that can change.

If the Republican Party does crash and burn, it won't be the end of the world.  Sooner or later, a new conservative party will rise from the ashes.  There has always been, and there always will be, a conservative party in this country.  Remember, you heard it first from Talks With Beagles. 

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