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Thursday, August 6, 2015

more Dinty Moore

I set the whole thing up to challenge your statement that you have been believing the same things since you ate that last can of Dinty Moore on the drive back from Alaska.  Actually I made up that last part, but you said you had made up your mind about morality a long time ago and that it was carved in stone.  It has been my observation that some people form their beliefs in their middle twenties and never revisit them again, and I assumed you were one of them and it seemed like you were approximately in your mid-twenties when you took that wild ride. 

I didn't do anything like that when I was that age, but I did a lot of hitchhiking which was in retrospect a bit risky.  And I ate a lot of Dinty Moore beef stew.  I think I have lately explained about heating it in its can in a pot, and how it was the king of the canned food back in my heyday. 

Every time I write about this I think I ought to try a can, it's probably been twenty years.  Nice big can of Dinty Moore, maybe a little sourdough bread, that would be nice, remind me of my youth.  That's what I think early in the morning, but later in the day when I go shopping it doesn't occur to me.  What about you?  When was the last time you enjoyed a big full rich can of Dinty Moore?  Maybe we could revisit this food of our youth and compare notes.

Where were we?  Oh, what you had said was that you  had some morality carved in stone and not amenable to the calm cool logic discussion that can be found in this very blog, and you were taking those beliefs to the grave and therefore you would never, regardless of arguments to the contrary, change your mind and vote to allow gay marriage. 

But now it appears that you 'might reconsider' your position.  You do quibble about long term effects, but I don't know what those might be.  So I think maybe you were overstating the case when you said these things were carved in stone. 

I'll make the argument for gay marriage short.  You were against it before because you thought it would hurt your marriage, and since than you have admitted that it hasn't, and as for making people happy, didn't you see all those gays making spectacles of themselves after the supreme court decision?

It's true that male cats are always fighting to be top cat, and that males will kill cubs that aren't their own.  One of the worries about Cecil is that his cubs will be killed my his mother's next gentleman caller.  I had a male cat along with my female cat who had seven litters, and he never touched a hair on their kitten heads.  I always assumed that since they lived together they were like brother and sister, and he wouldn't be waiting in line when she went into heat, but that was shortly after my Dinty Moore days, and anymore I would have to believe he didn't kill them because he was the daddy of some of them.

But you know man is the biggest cause of mortality to other men, but that doesn't mean that we would take kindly to Martians coming to Earth and big gaming us.

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