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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

nothing intelligent about intelligent design

What I mean by science is I guess the scientific method, where you do experiments and make your decisions on the results.  The Chinese had some clever gadgets, but they never thought much beyond them.  They had what they thought, or the emperor thought, was the perfect kingdom, and they didn't need to learn nothing from nobody. 

The Greeks weren't going to get their philosopher king hands dirty doing any experiments.  If you couldn't think it through deductively it wasn't true.  If Aristotle was into observation how come he never discovered that if you drop a big and a little stone from a tower that they both will reach the ground at the same time?

You know deductivity is a marvelous thing. Look how well the Greeks did with mathematics, but then look at their dismal cosmology, crystal spheres within crystal spheres, that earth, water, air, fire thing.  Crazy man crazy.  Well when you are talking math, the numbers are all perfectly well defined, but if you are talking cosmology you are using words like 'perfect' which really has no exact definition.

I don't see how science could have paved the way to monotheism since monotheism preceded science by about two thousand years and I don't see how it would address the issue of monotheism.  Intelligent design, as the term is commonly used is just a way for its proponents to sneak god into the classroom.  The idea of it is that all of evolution was directed by some unseen hand (god) to produce that shining apple of the universe, man.  Science believes that man just came about the same as cockroaches and eagles, just the result of the process that brought us dinosaurs and mammals, and if it wasn't for the fact that we are seriously fucking with the earth, would bring us something else.

As I said before I don't know much about eastern religions, but I don't see anything logical about them.  They seem to be more otherworldly and speculative without really nailing anything down.  Generally I don't think they have a god in the sense that we do, a big guy who wants us to do things in a certain way and if we don't he will punish us.

Just a little aside here, but you know the Jews generally don't have the afterlife and the Calvinists thought that no matter what you did it had already been decided whether you were going to heaven or hell.  So what was the incentive to obey god?  If I had a boss who said he was never going to promote me, or told me that he had already decided on my promotion, I think I would just goof off the rest of my job/life. 

I don't know anything more about baking bread than I do about eastern religions.  I guess there are ingredients, that seems pretty cut and dried.  There is that yeast thing.  Are there different kinds of yeast or is one as good as the other?  Kneading, isn't that just like mixing it, like shuffling a deck a cards?  As long as you do it to a certain degree, it will be as mixed as it's ever going to be?  i guess you can bake it at various temps for various times.  So unless there is some secret ingredient it shouldn't be that hard to come up with your grandmother's rye bread.

But then the recipe is lost to the erosion of time so all you have left is the memory of the taste and you are not the same person that you were the last time you ate it, so it's like walking into the same river twice which the philosophers tell us we can never do.n

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