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Monday, June 8, 2015

loyalty to the king

When you say any prejudice you picked up you got from television years later I have to wonder what about growing up on in Gage Park?  I remember growing up there that prejudice was very strong.  Of course those were pretty prejudiced times everywhere, but it seems to me it was particularly strong in Gage Park, especially with all those people who had fled neighborhoods further east, and reports coming back like, "Now they've crossed Western at 61st street."  Well maybe it bounced off you like water off a duck's back.  So it was television huh, all those guys making a spectacle of themselves, as you have phrased it. that turned you against the blacks and hispanics and gays? 

You should know more about the Ottomans, fascinating people.  Have you ever read about the Janissaries?  That was their infantry made up of young Christian men who they forced to convert to Islam.  It sounds kind of bad, but they weren't much worse off than if they had stayed on the farm where they were treated like serfs by their Christian overlords.  Actually with the booty and the chance for advancement, some families willingly sold their kids into the Janissaries to give them a better life.  They weren't allowed to marry or own property. 

Of course what the sultan wanted from the slave army was an army that had no loyalty but to him.  But they did have loyalty to themselves to the Janissaries, and as the empire became corrupted they gained the rights to marry and have property and eventually became a power in the government.  The mamluks were something like that, a non arabic slave army that ended up taking over Egypt, but I don't know so much about them. 

It was the same thing with the Eunuchs, they wanted people who would not have children or lovers and be loyal to only their owners.  i did a little wiki on them and they were widespread in all the ancient societies. 

The workers fit right in, some of them are just having a good time, and some of them dabble in mysticism and religion, and some of them join a church or a political party and fight for what they think is the right thing, and some of them are just trying to get ahead.  The thing is most people are composites of the four types, and unless they are extremely one thing or the other they don't stand out.  Let's see, I am going to characterize myself as .7 cruise, .2 quest, .1 war, and .0 climber.  Well it's just something I made up, I don't know how true or relevant it is.

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