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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Pies in the Sky and Boots on the Ground

Libertarians are an idealistic lot. I think they are more interested in keeping their ideology pure than they are about getting anybody elected. I remember reading something in their literature that said they believed states should be able to secede from the union, counties should be able to secede from states, townships and municipalities should be able to secede from counties, and individuals should be able to secede from townships and municipalities. I think that has a nice ring to it but, as you have pointed out, it's not very practical. I mean, the reason governments were formed in the first place was to protect people from other people. Take that away, and we're back to chucking spears at each other, only nowadays it would be assault rifles. I still like the idea that "He governs best who governs least" but, like anything else, that can be carried to extremes. It pains me to say this, but your man Obama once said something that makes sense: "We don't need bigger government, we don't need smaller government, we need better government." Well, that's kind of pie in the sky too because, to achieve better government, we would need better people and, if we had better people, maybe we wouldn't even need government.

Our local union at the paper mill had some liberal members, and it also had some conservative members. The leadership of the "international", which means the parent organization, were flaming liberals but we didn't pay any more attention to them than they paid to us. Our local was relatively small and isolated, so all they cared about us was that we paid our dues. To be fair, our local was not very well organized and we argued among ourselves a lot. I suppose that the international felt that, if we couldn't even agree among ourselves about what we wanted from the company, they shouldn't be too concerned about helping us get it.

I think I explained before about why I still call it "Red China", it marks me as a hopeless reactionary, a label I have always been proud to wear. I don't feel that it's my job to get with the times, I figure that it's the times' job to get with me. Of course they're not going to, but that's never stopped me before. I still thing it would be a good idea to tax the Chinese, not with tariffs, but something like an income tax. You want to tax the rich, don't you? Well, those people are richer now than they have been in a thousand years, and it's all due to our money. For every dollar they make off of us, they should have to kick back a nickel or a dime to Uncle Sam. Of course, that's never going to happen either, but I still think it's a good idea.

I wasn't arguing about whether or not illegal immigration is good for the economy, I was questioning how do they know how many illegals are in the country. I seem to remember there was a question on the census form asking if you were a U.S. citizen, but I don't remember there being one asking whether or not you are here illegally. Even if there was, how many illegals would answer it truthfully? I have seen a few people on TV bragging about their illegal status. My question there is, why aren't these people being arrested, seeing as they just admitted committing a crime on national television?

I saw on the news this evening that ISIS is making a million dollars a day from selling oil, I suppose from wells they have captured. That wouldn't be happening if everybody refused to buy oil from them. How can anybody justify going to war with somebody at the same time you are shopping at their store? I don't know if our government is giving them foreign aid or not, but it wouldn't surprise me, since they are giving it to Palestinian terrorist groups like HAMAS. Everybody knows that you're not supposed to bite the hand that feeds you. Seems like the converse should also be true: Don't feed the mouth that bites you.

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