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Thursday, September 4, 2014

back to the hood in the good old days

As for the forty hour week, at least now you get paid time and a half for working overtime. When I worked for the post office I had forced overtime, but I didn’t mind because my base pay was three times what I had ever made before in my life, and with overtime I was making five times. Still that only went on for three months and if it had gone on longer I might have been pissed. To me money comes and goes, and time is the only thing I really own, but not quite because that will eventually run out no matter what I do.

Thank God I never worked a salaried job. I didn’t even realize how that worked until I was like forty years old, and my first thought was that was crazy. Who would want to have to work all those extra hours no matter how much they were making? Well plenty as it seems, and anymore I see where the companies are trying to classify everybody as salaried so that they don’t have to pay them any overtime. Things are going back to the bad old days Beagles, and we need the Wobblies again.

One thing that sounds a little promising to me is that the unions are trying to organize the fast food workers. This could be the beginning of a mighty army. Maybe not.

And of course the reason for those part time jobs is because the companies don’t want to pay for a full time workers healthcare. It’s an unfortunate accident that one’s healthcare is tied to one’s work, so this is definitely a good effect of Obamacare.

Everybody seems to think that something for nothing is a good deal. They generally vote for the politician who promises the most something for nothing, even though none of the politicians they voted for before has ever come through on that promise, they still have that hope. American people are ever hopeful.

Well as you know I was in the hood yesterday. I’m like you, I will notice some particular house and there will be some house on a corner and suddenly I will remember some incident that happened there sixty years ago and that has been forgotten since. Ah, it makes a man philosophical. All in all it was a pretty good place to grow up. I really had no problems with it until my later days in high school when it began to feel confining, like you can only think certain things or else you are an oddball and probably a bad guy. Of course it was like that everywhere, but the southwest side was probably more conservative than the rest of the country.

And there was all that racism, which just seems so odd nowadays. Well there I go again, but I was writing a friend about Ferguson, and I had some more thoughts about it, and I think I will add them to the next post. 

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