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Tuesday, November 23, 2021

More Questions Than Answers

 I thought that Slate article was interesting because it's about a liberal who saw the light and still calls herself a liberal.  I always thought that a liberal was just a conservative who hadn't been enlightened yet.  I didn't agree with everything she said, but I was impressed by how she stayed on topic in spite of the interviewer trying to steer her off onto his own side road.  He kept trying to get her to say that it was okay to shoot peaceful protesters, as if the guys shot by Rittenhouse were peaceful, but she didn't bite on that one.  

Uncle Ken probably knows more about this case than I do, but that's never stopped me before.  I have read that Rittenhouse was too young to carry a gun in Wisconsin, but I think the judge dismissed that charge on a technicality, something about the length of the barrel.  I'm pretty sure that Wisconsin law doesn't prohibit open carry or else how would people go hunting there?  There may have been a municipal ordinance, but then why didn't the cops disarm him?  I have read that they saw him carrying and even talked with him before the incident.  Talk about your vigilantes, who gave those White civilians the authority to try to disarm him?  For that matter, what were those guys even doing there?  Wasn't this supposed to be a race riot?  Speaking of race, why are the Blacks so mad at Rittenhouse when all the people he shot were White?  Speaking of the cops, why didn't they arrest Rittenhouse when he approached them and confessed to shooting people?  I read somewhere that they threatened to taser him if he didn't go away and quit bothering them.  If Lyle's mother hadn't persuaded him to turn himself in the next day, would he have been charged with anything at all?  And last but not least: Were any of those "peaceful protestors" arrested and charged for all the burning and looting they did?

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