I've been waiting two days only to hear about Beagles digging up some stretch of dirt? Sounds like a bait and switch if you ask me.
I did not get as worked up as most of my ilk about this affair. Legally it seems like anybody who shoots somebody (especially people nobody likes, and I have to say the victims were not loveable) can claim self defense and beat the rap. Now if those good old boys in Georgia get off the hook, that will be a big deal.
Of course just because something is legal does not mean that it is right, and it doesn't seem like a good way to be running a country if it is perfectly legal for a seventeen year old kid to be walking around with an AR-15 going anywhere he pleases.
You kind of wonder if those protestors had any right to self-defense. A seventeen year old kid wandering among them with an AR-15 is certainly a threat, and yet when they try to disarm him and get shot that is just too bad apparently.
I thought it was kind of peculiar that Beagles had that quote from Slate which is a lefty column I used to read, and I was wondering what he had to say about it, and I am still wondering. I read a little of it and I have read before on this idea of liberals arming themselves, and it is not something I think of as a good idea. When Beagles and I have both had enough of each other's shit and plan a facedown I would much rather that it was with fisticuffs than AR-15s.
As for that idea that somehow Rittenhouse was led down the primrose path by some wayward pal, I have to say that this is the purest of speculation and to put it more bluntly, it's a bunch of hooey.
JUDGE: Sustained
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