As I am sure Beagles noticed, reading the wiki article, cancel culture is kind of an amorphous thing. This person says it is this and that person says it is that. But perhaps like another amorphous thing, pornography, we may know it when we see it.
And it is not at all in the business of ignoring people, it is in the business of defaming people. Once a person is called out then like the Salem witch trials or the craze of accusing people of taking part in satanic pedophile rituals, what is important is that everybody jump on board by loudly proclaiming the same, lest they appear to be not as pure in heart as their screaming cohorts.
Who is the we that should stop talking about him? Trump is not going to stop talking. His acolytes are not going to cease singing his praises, the majority of what used to be the Republican party cannot get enough of their darling. But having said all that I am reminded of Pogo that long ago foggy morn in the swamp, "We have met the enemy and he is us."
Biden was not my first choice for candidate, but when he emerged triumphant I was for him because here is the man who could beat Trump. There are certain principles with the republican and democrat parties, but those don't really matter anymore, all that matters is Trump or anti Trump. When McAuliff based his campaign on Fuck Trump, Fuck Trump, Fuck Trump I thought that was a great idea. In a state that Biden won by ten how could that lose?
Post mortems of the Virginia race shows that a major factor was dems staying at home. I'm guessing that Trump has receded into the mist for them. Used to be in the bad old days everytime you turned around you heard that whining sneering voice, and anymore not so much, so likely the lukewarm dems just didn't see it as a pressing issue.
Back in the early days of Obama the dems had the most enthusiasm, but since Trump it is the reps.
Well here it is, the donkey and the elephant are riding their shiny red sports car across the desert and a fork approaches with of course a left and a right option. The mascots argue which way to turn and as they are doing that a murder hornet flies in the car and begins stinging the both of them. The donkey sees this as a menace likely to cause a wreck and wants to halt the argument over which way to turn in favor of swatting this bug. The elephant is also getting stung, but not as much as the donkey and thinks he can take advantage of the disorder and steer the car right while the donkey is distracted. He thinks the murder hornet can be harnessed to his purposes.
The car gets turned right but the hornet cannot be harnessed and causes havoc everywhere, so that the donkey can pull the car the left, and thinks he can keep that direction because it knocks the hornet off the hood, but reminding the people of how awful the hornet was does not seem to make any difference and now it is crawling back inside the car.
What is it Allen Ginsburg said, "Allegories are so much lettuce, don't hide the madness."
Here is something of a confession. I have been following the battle over the infrastructure bills for seems like six months. It's a sprawling saga with many subplots, but the main thing is it is a dem kind of thing, spreading the wealth around a little. There are actually two bills and stuff has been added and taken out and added again, and offhand I am not sure what is in it. And I don't care much. I am sure that it is full of good dem goodies of the kind I favor, but mostly I want them both to get through because it will be a victory for Biden, and for the dems. And a victory for the dems is one more house of brick to keep the ogre away, and that is mostly what I think about these days.
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