I copied this link Saturday night and planned to write about it Sunday night, but a four hour power outage prevented that, so here I am on Monday night. I found this article interesting because if offers a different perspective on the Rittenhouse trial and guns in general.
I think the jury made the right decision in the Rittenhouse case. Everything I have heard or read about the shooting has sounded like self defense to me, but that's just the shooting part. The larger question remains: What the hell was this kid even doing out there in the first place? Rittenhouse somehow got the impression that he had been hired to guard a car dealership, but the dealer himself denies this. My guess is that Kyle was recruited by one of his friends, and that he naively believed that this friend knew what he was talking about. I was once suckered into a job like that when I was even younger than Rittenhouse, although it thankfully did not involve the use of deadly force.
My friend asked me if I wanted to make five dollars for a couple hours' work, which was good money in those days. All we had to do was dig up a little garden patch in this guy's back yard. It turned out that it wasn't just a little patch, the guy wanted his whole back yard dug up, which must have been at least a thousand square feet. The soil was bone dry clay. We considered wetting it down, but decided that it would make the clay stick to our shovels, which would make the job even harder. This two hour job stretched out into two whole days. The first day we brought a grub hoe and two shovels. We added a railroad pick the second day, which worked a little better, but what we really needed was a jackhammer. My friend kept assuring me that the guy would pay us more than five dollars once he saw how hard we were working, but he didn't. Not only that, but it wasn't five dollars apiece, it was five dollars for the both of us. After paying for our bus fare and lunches (the cheap bastard didn't even feed us), we ended up with about a dollar apiece for two days of hard labor, which was not good money even in those days.
See, I never communicated with the guy that hired us. I trusted my friend to handle all the details, since it was his project in the first place. Maybe something like that happened to Rittenhouse.
I went through the Comments and deleted a bunch of stuff that looked like spam to me.
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