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Thursday, November 25, 2021

happy thanksgiving

 What is it that people don't know about guns?  We hear and see about them all the time.

What are the facts that lead you to believe that Kyle only showed up to a dangerous situation toting heat was because his friends induced him into it?  And what difference does it make if he was influenced by his friends?  The Law, and I expect The Good Lord, come pearly gate time, also does not accept that excuse.

It was a BLM demonstration, and half the people in BLM are white.  That is what I have observed when they had demonstrations here and is what I saw on tv at the beginning of the demonstrations in Kenosha.

As I have said before I am no big fan of BLM.  I believe in their stated goal of putting a stop to cops killing black people (also white people, but not near as many white people get killed) and getting away with it.  But they seem to think that since their goal is noble, anything they do in what they consider the promotion of their goal is ok.

Another thing is that they have no leader and no firm goals (Like passing House Bill 217A), so nobody is really responsible for what they do.  Just a bad model.  Like those Occupy guys who were kind of lefty and faded away several years ago.

What happens in their demonstrations is that everything is hunky dory until the sun goes down and then the idealistic youth are supplanted by hard core types some who believe in violence for their cause and others who just believe in violence for the hell of it.  That is what happened in Chicago and what happened in Kenosha.

No they did not like a teenager in their midst with an AR-15 because that is a recipe for shit to happen, as it did.  Some of those guys were armed, but none of them were brandishing AR-15s.  I would not like a teen with an AR-15 strutting up and down State Street.  Luckily, for now. I could call the cops to deal with the situation.

Kyle shot three guys and killed two.  What makes you think the long arm of the law would not have come after him?  

Thanksgiving today.  In most of the Thanksgivings of my life I have been coming to the bungalow on Homan Avenue or my sister's place on the north shore, but now that my sister is living fourteen stories above me we will be going to a restaurant like civilized people, and up to her place for pie, and I won't have to wait for the train or for somebody to give me a ride afterwards.  I can just get on the elevator.

Happy Thanksgiving Dawgs.

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