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Wednesday, November 24, 2021

gee officer krupke

 I had just scanned that article previously because I didn't know what in particular Beagles found interesting in it, so this time I read the whole thing and my impression was that it was so slippery that I wasn't sure what she was talking about.  Whenever it came to an issue of is you is or is you isn't she slid off into something like personal choice.  

Personal choice is getting a lot of play these days and I think it is quite the dodge.  The kind of cereal you eat for breakfast is a personal choice because it really doesn't matter to anyone else.  The personal choice to drive drunk or let yourself be a petri dish for a virus that could sicken or kill you neighbors is different, and in self-defense your neighbors have a right to take that personal choice from you.

I don't think she made a very case for anything on either side.  In the end she concludes that The kid should never have been there, and I think that that is society's failure.  Of course there would have also not have been a problem if he hadn't taken that gun with him.  And society's failure, I mean Gee Officer Krupke.  Everything is society's failure meaning no individual is responsible, meaning there is nothing to be done about it.  I am aware that she calls herself a liberal, but I don't think I would call her one.  Took a visit to her webpage and there was nothing liberal about it.

There was some kind of shenanigans about Kyle's gun.  Somebody else bought it for him and it was kept in Wisconsin so that it never crossed state lines.  The Wisconsin law was confusing and nobody in the court room could make hide or hair out of it so they tossed it.

I'm getting confused about Beagles' question.  Who says it was a race riot?  And is only one race allowed to participate in a race riot, and if so what was Kyle doing there?

Why would Kyle's mother have anything to do with him being arrested?  Plenty of demonstrators were arrested in Kenosha.

That is all I have time for today.

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