I suppose if one was just carrying his AR-15 from one place to another, like from home to the target range that would not be brandishing. But taking it down to the Subway to get a footlong, yes, I call that brandishing. If I am the only one Beagles has read about calling Kyle's act brandishing, I expect that he needs to do more reading.
If Rittenhouse had the sense of a snake he would have stayed home. Going but not taking his AR-15 would have made more sense than taking it which resulted in two people being killed.
And just for the record what was the purpose of Beagles putting those shotguns in his pickup? Was he planning on driving down to the Greyhound station and then assembling his armory and then, I don't know, shooting people?
Ah Yammer yammer yammer, and nobody's mind is changed.
I watched 1984 the movie last night. It was pretty good. I could have used more of Winston's day to day life and maybe a little less of O'Brien torturing him, but O'Brien was played by Richard Burton (actually his last movie performance) and if you get the big guy to be in your movie you are going to give him as much screen time as possible.
Early on in the movie Winston (whose job is to make changes in yesterday's papers mostly along the line of writing out somebody who the state has decided to crush, is writing in his diary, that he hides away from the omnipresent Big Brother. “Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two makes four. If that is granted, all else follows.” I put the movie on hold and wrote an email on that to myself.
When O'Brien is torturing Winston he holds up four fingers and asks Winston how many are there, clearly wanting Winston to say five. At first Winston resists saying 'four' and getting another jolt of the juice until finally he says 'five' because you know, torture.
There are some who think Trump is an evil genius. Myself I think he is a simpleton who is somehow right in tune with the mob. But one thing that might lend credence to the evil genius was one of his first actions after his inauguration, claiming that his crowd was bigger than Obama's.
This is no niggling thing like what is the definition of brandishing. This was something that could be verified by actual evidence that was obvious anywhere, and yet he got away with it. He said that was five fingers when you could plainly see there were four, and his mob had no problem with that. Now he knew that he could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and get clean away with it. You know I am kind of surprised that he never did that shooting.