Oh I like that, the automobile parked on the ice. Like Old Dog I was sure that alcohol must be involved, but I wasn't sure how, but then I realized that to track the exact date and time somebody had to be watching all the time.and what better activity to add merriment to what would otherwise have been a pretty boring mission than to pass around the bottle. I was going to say count me in but I think I would prefer a cozy tavern.
Or at home, but I think /I would prefer to keep my pants on. I think I get the metaphor, if you are in your underwear you are one step further (putting on your pants) from going outside and doing something else, and there is a sense in it of let it all hang out which goes well with boozing, but for my part I will keep my pants on thank you, just the way my mother raised me, thank you.
I don't know exactly what the Hamptons are, or why there are more than one of them, but that's where the wealthy New Yorkers go, and from what I read half the city is empty because that's where their neighbors are hunkering out the pandemic, and none of the Hamptonians are any too happy to have them bringing their germs and wiping their butts on their meager supply of toilet paper. I can't say for sure how many tower residents have left. A surprising number of them have second homes but they are all winter homes and all the ones I know about are in the sunny south, where until just lately you could gambol freely with the natives, and probably if in the process you tossed your pants to the wind, well it beats sitting on the bank of some frozen lake watching for a car to fall through.
I think Detroit is the reason that Michigan is per capita ahead of Illinois in corona deaths. Chicago is way in debt and not all that flush, but like we like to say here, at least we ain't Detroit (yet).
For some reason (because ante sounds like past to me) I always that antebellum referred to after the war. Well clearly I wasn't paying much attention because does not the very word antebellum sound like taffeta hoop skirts skittering along marble floors while the lovely belle fans herself with short fluttering motions to match her eyelids .and declaims "Well I do declare, Mistuh Butler." They never talk about postbellum but I think that would be whatshername in her torn gown standing in the mud and declaring that she will never be hungry again.
Right now antepandemic brings welcome memories of tossing tales and brews with old pals at the convivial bar or even just stuffing your face with a large order of bbq pork rice in a local fastfood. Postpandemic could possibly be the socialist paradise i wrote about n my last post. Likely more like Mad Max because gas will be really cheap.
Anybody got there $1200 yet? Any plans for it?
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