Yesterday during his conference Trump had one of his toadies present some strange theory of why summer will bring an end to the corona, and he followed that up with suggesting that we irradiate the infected with some kind of super sun gun and/or shoot them up with disinfectants.
Well I say that those openers parading in front of the state capitals are a motley crew, few in number, half of them brandishing the word of god, or semi automatics, or swastikas. Last I heard 80 percent of the populace thinks the lockdown is ok, or should go further, and that includes 60 percent of republicans.
I just checked my corona page and 123 new Illinois deaths. I thought I had sensed a dip, but that has come and gone. It does look like a plateau, but who knows how long a plateau can go. According to the brains very likely quite awhile. I miss all my classes, my Friday nights, my friends, but I don't want to die. I guess it's pretty clear right now that we have to keep this up for now, but down the road it won't be so bad, and this isolation will get so hard to tolerate, and the economy will be so tanked that it will look like maybe we can loosen up a bit.
Even though right now the closers have a large majority, way more republicans than democrats favor opening, and I guess that will increase. I wonder if it will become like a tribal thing, where first people are divided by some issue, and then the issue becomes not so important as being on a side, standing with your people, feeling wronged by the people on the other side, so that eventually the issue isn't even all that important, it's more a case of us vs them.
Trump is doing an odd straddle. Well he is not a guy to straddle. He is all for being all in on something so he can rage against the other side. In his heart you know he wants to open, his beloved booming economy is in shambles, he can't hold his monster truck rallies. Surprisingly in his dim recesses he seems to sense that most people are still closers so it might not be wise to go all in for the opening, to cast the brains out of the briefings and go all in with his medal-bedecked toadies. He has several times tried to bring up The Wall but it just hasn't stuck.
Here's another odd thing I have heard him championing a few times that also hasn't gotten much traction, the three martini lunch. Basically the way when the fat cats get together to discuss cutting themselves a bigger slab of the pie and dine and drink like lords and the tab goes towards expenses and against profits and basically the taxpayer picks up the tab. The taxpayer being Joe Sixpack, because the fat cats never pay taxes anyway.
Well you wonder why is Trump so all for that, he;s not a three martini kind of guy, but then his empire makes a lot of dough out of that, but I wonder if even that matters anymore.
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