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Monday, April 20, 2020

the sixth week of this

These motley crews have been appearing in state houses throughout the country.  A lot of MAGA hats and not a few swastikas and KKK regalia, and brandishing their guns, responding to the rantings of their master and supported by groups supported by the ilk of the Koch brothers.  All of them are small in number and can expect to soon be smaller because they disdain any kind of distancing, and not only will they do themselves in, but also their friends and neighbors and strangers who happen to be unlucky enough to brush by them, and in general prolonging this pain for all the rest of us.

Speaking of pain he has proclaimed that as prez he can do whatever he wants to do, and if he wants to open up states he can do so by declaring I hereby whatever, but then he has decided that he will let each state decide on its own, but then he has called on Michigan, Minnesota, and Virginia to liberate themselves, somehow wrapping the whole thing in the second amendment.

And most lately he is demanding that the states test a lot more people, but he is not allowing the feds to run the testing or even to assist the states in doing it, and when the states retort that there are not enough tests to do so, he refutes that by saying yes there are.

Well it makes sense that at some point this corona thing will abate and it will be time to open things up again/  But reasonable people will have to find a reasonable time and method.  Some will want to do it sooner and some will want to do it later.  Too late and we will have hurt our economy needlessly. and too soon and we will be right back where we were before.  It would be nice if this was determined by a meeting of the minds in some pleasant room with soft chairs and heavy tomes of facts sitting on the coffee tables.  Instead it is being fought out in the Thunderdome led by the maddest of Maxes whose real concern is not the health or the wealth of the state, but of his own glory.

I an curious about the empty shelves for the past year in the Cheboygan Walmart.  I have not witnessed anything like that in Walgreens or Target,  I wonder if this is a Cheboygan thing or a Walmart thing.  Of course we do not allow Walmarts in our great city,, but I notice that friends of mine in smaller cities don't go shopping, they go to the Walmart/  Walmart this and Walmart that, and it seems like it is only when Walmart is out of something that they ever go to any other store to look for it.  Is that the way it goes in Cheboygan?

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