Apparently the google car went down Butler Road but did not turn onto Lalonde. I don't see your truck. It's red right? For some reason google thinks your address is 2400 or so Lalonde. It looks like maybe the lowest part of the swamp is to the southeast. That's where the trees appear to be the tallest and the most irregular.
Well Rome was built on a swamp, as was Chicago. At one point they had to lift up all of downtown to put in sewage and a lot of the streets in the neighborhoods and that's how you get those charming houses where you have to cross a little bridge over your front yard to get from your front door to the street. When I flush my toilet it goes through a labyrinth of tunnels to Stickney where we clean it up all nice and clear and send it downriver. It takes a lot of work to build something out of a swamp, but it's worth it since water is always handy.
As a good Democrat I naturally strive to be a good citizen. Well everybody seems to be. People speed up or slow down to maintain a decent interval, and crossing paths one person always takes the outside of the sidewalk while the other takes the inside, There are occasional jam ups in the grocery store where somebody abruptly steps back to check the price on those cans of baked beans just as you are passing them and then somebody pops up around the corner, but they never get to the point where anybody ever touches anybody..
That mask thing, I don't know. It doesn't protect the wearer at all, only the wearer's neighbors in case the wearer has the corona. But of course I don't have the corona, but how do they know that? And actually I could have it. It could be lingering on those newspapers outside my door right now. I put on a bandanna, like a bank robber, yesterday to go to Target. It was immediately uncomfortable and I pulled it down at the elevator thinking I would pull it back up once I hit the sidewalk, but only one in seven was wearing a mask, and they all had real masks, not silly bandannas so I never pulled it up.
But was I a bad guy, a slacker? This is the third week on since Friday, March 13th when I had my last Daisy Cutter at the Ten Cat bar. Seems like three months, three years, and likely four or more of them to come, and you know everything you do incautiously is possibly prolonging that. What about those asshole states that are not sheltering? What good does it do to flatten the curve in Illinois, if folks across the river in Missouri (and Illinoisans who cross to get to the good times) are spreading it around like party favors?
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