There was a fog bank that appeared to be right at the mouth of the river last night, and this morning it is still there. Too dark right now to make out exactly what was going on. Looking at it I noticed that cars were just flying across the Lake Shore Drive bridge. Flying. I took a walk through downtown last afternoon and I noticed how fast, almost reckless, the cars were tearing by. Normally traffic is at a crawl downtown, and that makes the pedestrian king and we carelessly cross against the light or jay walk at our pleasure and those heavy metal people-crushers have to just sit there and take it. Not these days. Normally strolling across downtown I have plenty of time to daydream and think my great thoughts, anymore I have to keep my peepers peeled.
I was google earthing Cheboygan yesterday to see if I could tell where the highlands and lowlands were. I once had Beagles' address so I could google in on it, but I have lost it. Pretty sure he is maybe twenty miles southeast of the city limits. I saw that Little Black River dam but I don't know what an impoundment is. So a septic tank, it has to release um. liquid, at some point. Where does it go? I see a duck in the foreground. Do you ever have flocks of birds stopover during their migrations so that the swamp is alive with the sound of goose gossip. What is that white stretch in the background, snow on higher ground?
I looked up corona cases and deaths by state and saw that Michigan is like third in deaths in the nation. The number of cases strikes me as not so meaningful because it applies only to those who have been tested and I think that varies widely by state.
I was watching CNN early last evening when up popped the the nightly corona report, well actually the Trump show (higher ratings than The Bachelor if the great man says so hisself, often). The brains were missing and were replaced by guys in uniforms and Sad Sack Barr, who frequently appears at these briefings. He seldom has anything to say, but I suspect that he is often in Trump's office asking what he can he do today to make Trump's life groovier and Trump just takes him along at conference time. The maitre de was there, fresh from a bravura performance on CNN where he maintained, against all facts, and video clips, that Trump had been a corona warrior right from the start, and the real enemies were the Chinese, the previous administration, and of course, the media.
And Trump kicked off the whole shebang by talking about The Wall. Somehow (dirty Mexicans) The Wall is one of the most important bulwarks against corona, and then there was something about some threat from Iran, and just an assembly of the greatest hits of the great man. CNN switched away after about half an hour, MSN continued but broke away after extreme whoppers to explain them, but Fox, near as I can tell, stayed with it throughout though afterwards even they were scratching their heads.
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