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Wednesday, April 8, 2020

the old get older

Back in the days when I worked in the office we used to run sort of a pool as to when the first 70 degree day would appear,  You know earlier you get those pretty nice days but not all that hot, but this was the fist t shirt and shorts day.  Was out strolling and it was okay, but I seemed to be missing something, and then I remembered fresh air , and I pulled my mask down under my nose and there it was. I kept it down when nobody was around and primly pulled it up when I crossed path with others.  Then I learned that others were doing the same, pulling up the mask was like doffing your hat,  I also noticed that when it gets really hot those masks are going to be really uncomfortable.

Idahoans.  The probably think that Texans are from New York City.

Has either of the dawgs been Okay Boomer-ed yet?  Sometimes I expect the kid I am on the phone with about what appears to me to be an unreasonably arcane feature of the website I am trying to use is rolling their eyes at the other kids who half of them are dealing with other boomers who are also confused and a bit angry, make that grumpy, about some feature or other, but nobody has actually said those words out loud.  Actually I think that whole phrase is passe by now.   Well you know we boomers, we don't mind, and even glory in, being annoying, but we hate to think of ourselves as being like incompetent, like, you know, old people.

Well you know we complain, because we are old people, but compared to younger people who are either out of work or working in jobs where they come in contact with a lot of people who might be carrying germs, we are sitting pretty easy, many of us don't get out much anyway, we don't even have to walk to the bank to deposit our social security checks.

There was a thing going on, back when it looked like the corona targeted old people exclusively about young kids coughing on old folks, Well we kind of sponge off the youngsters, and we clog the hospitals with our free healthcare, and turn out in droves to vote for anything that favors our generation to the detriment of other generations.  If we were to have a big die out our accumulated wealth would fall into the hands of the younger and we would no longer be that annoying burden and the human race in general (not counting us checking out) would be in a stronger position.

The old get older and the young get stronger, we sang back in the day.  Anymore it does not seem to be such a good thing.

Oh and in case you haven't noticed the Trump toady that fired Cozier has now submitted his resignation under the orders of Esper, the higher up Trump toady who had previously praised Modly as had the prez himself.  And by the way it turns out that Modly was appointed by Trump to take the place of the previous secretary of the navy who was fired for making a fuss over Trump pardoning war criminals.  Tin pot dictatorship anyone?

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