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Sunday, April 12, 2020

Some Encouraging Signs

Remember I told you about how Walmart was limiting the number of customers allowed in their store at once?  Well it seems our governor heard about it and made it part of her executive order for all stores, only she decreed it would be four instead of five people for every thousand square feet of floor space.  I went to Save-a-Lot yesterday and saw a sign on the door to that effect, but I didn't see anybody counting customers going in or out.  Some people were wearing masks, but I don't think it was the majority.  The shelves were pretty well stocked, including the meat section.  They even had toilet paper!  It was that cheap generic stuff like what my wife brought home from Walmart, but there were packages of 24 tiny rolls instead of just four.  I picked up one package, which should be enough to tithe us over till we can find our usual brands on the shelves.  I found out later that Walgreens has enough of the stuff on hand now that they are actually advertising it (buy one, get another one at half price).

We know a guy who lives Down Below, and he told us that their stores were running out of bread awhile back, so he bought some yeast and started making his own bread.  Then they ran out of yeast but, when he went to the store a few days ago, they had an ample supply of bread, yeast, and toilet paper.

Our local TV news reported this evening that today was the first day since the crisis began that Michigan had fewer new cases and deaths than the day before.  It's too soon to tell if the corner is being turned, but it's still an encouraging sign.  They also said that over 400 people have been officially declared recovered from the disease in the state.  Cheboygan County has not reported any new cases or deaths in the last several days, leaving us with a total of ten cases and one death so far.

Of course the fat lady has not sung yet, but maybe she is practicing scales in her dressing room as we speak.


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