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Tuesday, April 7, 2020

we are not yet having fun

I'm confused about the Michigan state legislature's role in the lockdown.  I thought these were up to the governors alone.  Of course here in Illinois we have a democratic legislature so they are going to go along with the governor.  Ah, I see that reps have both houses of the Michigan government.  Still, wasn't it an act of the governor and not a vote of the legislature that put it in force? 

I've been going to the Jewel and Walgreens pretty regular and I think they have toilet paper but I haven't really looked.  I still have plenty of squares to spare..

Every now and then I'll feel a rasp in my throat, an ache, too hot, or too cold, strangely out of breath and I'll think oh shit, but it always passes.  But I have seen on fb where one of my Champaign buddies is going in for testing as is the sister of a guy I know who lives in the building,  Shit, 

I have long noticed that institutional toilet paper is not the same fluffy friend that I am used to on my very own throne.  As far as switching from institutional to the public market, there is an an interesting development in food.  Of course we are eating as much food as before, but, except for those dashes for take out, we are not eating as much at restaurants,  The solution would be to ship all that restaurant bound stuff to the supermarket, but there are problems in packaging, and in the items themselves.  While at a restaurant we are inclined to consume delicacies, not so much as our plain kitchen tables. 

I just looked at that wiki thing  and I see that we are standing at just above thirty deaths a day for the past three or four days.  That sounds like we are holding steady and maybe we can expect it to go down soon.  Maybe the warmer weather is a factor.

How about tnat Cozier thing?  So much, so quick.  First he is fired, then dems are outraged and his men are cheering him, then Trump is saying he had it coming, then the Trump toady in charge of the navy is blasting the guy on his own ship, and then he has Covid, and then Trump is like, well I don't  know, I'll have to look into it, and then overnight the toady is apologizing like a stuck pig.  I wonder what all happened behind the scenes.

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