When I post a link to an article with little or no explanation it's usually because it pertains to a subject that we have been discussing lately. My purpose is not to back up a particular statement that I have made, it's to shed some light on the subject in general. We can discuss the article, pros and cons, if all three of us has read it, but we can't reasonably discuss something that one or more of us has not read. A lot of guys might selectively quote brief statements out of context that support their position, but I don't usually do that. Okay, sometimes I do that with old sayings, but that's not what I'm doing when I post a link to a complete article.
Immigration is when people travel from one country to another with no intention of ever going back. Technically, you have to emigrate from one country before you can immigrate to another, but people who do that are commonly just called immigrants. Asylum can either be a temporary or a permanent thing, but most of the asylum seekers these days are really immigrants who are just using the asylum law as a way to get into the country. There is an annual quota for regular immigrants, but asylum seekers are not counted in that quota. There may be a separate quota for them, but I'm not sure about that.
Assimilation is a two way street, but the larger group is usually thought of as assimilating the smaller group. Remember the Borg on Star Trek? They always said "You will be assimilated", not "You will assimilate us," Technically, both groups were assimilating each other, but the Borg, believing themselves to be the dominant group, didn't look at it that way. I think that's why they have annual immigration quotas, to insure that we assimilate the immigrants instead of the other way around. The term "melting pot" implies that diverse people mutually assimilate each other, resulting in an alloy that is hopefully stronger than any of its single elements. New populations that are not yet assimilated are referred to as "lumps in the meting pot".
There is concern in some circles that Hispanic lumps are currently being added faster than the pot can melt them, which will make for a poor alloy that is not properly blended. The numbers lately have been running in excess of a hundred thousand a month, but those are just the illegals that are being apprehend and subsequently released on our side of the border. There are also around ten thousand legal asylum seekers who are waiting on the Mexican side for their cases to come up. Add that to the untold millions of Hispanics, both legal and illegal, who are already here, and you can see why some people are concerned.
I wouldn't say that nothing is being done about climate change. Windmills and solar panels have been sprouting up all over the country like mushrooms for years. I understand that Europe is ahead of us in that effort, but I think that Asia and Africa are way behind, waiting for us to give them the money to do it. Last I heard, the carbon tax was languishing in committee, which is a good place for it. Truth be known, it wouldn't hurt me a bit. With 88 acres of prime swamp land and a population of two, Beaglesonia is surely sucking more carbon out of the air than it is putting in, so they should be paying us. Lots of luck on that one!
The National Debt we will always have with us. It's the way they try to control the economy but, of course, the economy often has a mind of its own. The worst thing that can happen would be if people quit loaning the government money, in which case, they would go into default and start all over again. Argentina did that a few years ago and, last I heard, they were doing fine.
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