There is also a black squirrel, but it is just a color variation of the fox squirrel.
I don't know my squirrels so the fact that black squirrels are a variation of rural fox squirrels is news to me, as I've seen plenty of black squirrels over the years on the North Side. Some years I'd see them all over the place and then they'd disappear for a while, not showing up for a few years.
I've never seen any red squirrels out in the wild but they are a big deal in England where they are much loved. Trouble is, they are being driven out by an invasive species, the larger and more aggressive North American gray squirrel. I don't know when they started being a problem or how they landed on English shores but the gray squirrels are hated with a passion but it isn't like they can shoot them and whip up a nice stew. If they stopped hunting foxes maybe the gray squirrel problem will solve itself.
...I wish the dems would just put all the names in a big bag and pull one out and that would be our candidate...
I remember Uncle Ken proposing that idea; it was a stupid idea then and it's a stupid idea now unless you believe that there is no difference between the candidates. Give the process some time; bloody infighting is not necessary because many of those candidates are delusional and will drop out in due time. There might even be a dark horse or two still waiting in the wings.
Personally, I don't like Joe Biden and haven't since the 80s when his star began to rise. I think he came clean about some plagiarism accusations but he lost me when he got his hair plugs. Vanity in elected public officials does not sit well with me but that's just a personal opinion. And I didn't know that having asthma as a teenager could keep you out of the draft. Not as shady as bone spurs, but still...he probably could have enlisted if he tried but that's water over the dam and of little consequence.
I'm still avoiding as much political news as possible but some things just jump out at you, like Trump walking into North Korea. Did I get that right? If you think that Nixon's trip to China set some unfortunate precedents you ain't seen nothin' yet.
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