Beagles is correct that there is a difference in tone between the two statements, but as far as import there is not so much.
If Beagles expects me to read his links he will have to preface them with how what they say backs up a particular statement he has made, but I am not going to read a whole article blind and guess what Beagles wants me to take away from it. From the text of the links, I get the impression that they are garden variety news links from msn, and though I don't use that feed, I do read a variety of garden variety news links and I assume that the msn links are saying the same thing I read in mine.
And I do agree with Beagles that it is a problem, that is that the number of asylum seekers is overwhelming the people who are supposed to deal with them, though one wonders why the simple expedient of hiring more judges has not been done. Beagles seems to mix immigration with asylum seekers which makes it hard to discuss, when is he talking about one, when is he talking about the other, they are not the same thing. Nothing is being done about global warming or the national debt and I see both as far greater threats to the nation, so I don't get too worked up about this one.
Assimilation refers to the newcomers becoming like old-timers, not vice versa. Survivors is an odd word to use. it applies to people who live after a good many are killed. It hardly applies to assimilation. I'm not sure if we have a word that refers directly to the effect the newcomers have on the old-timers, but I believe we used to call it the melting pot. It's generally seen as a pretty cool thing, without the krauts we wouldn't have Christmas trees. I don't know why Beagles is so against it. I like salsa.
Beagles makes an interesting point about the mixed-race couples in tv commercials. You see it happening but you don't see much in the media about it. It's not a government mandate, but it's something businesses and advertising companies have taken up on their own, When I first saw them there would be a person of one race talking and then a person of another race and of the opposite sex would appear and I wondered at first what are they doing there, and then there was some kind of show of affection and I realized wow, they are a couple. What's kind of cool is they don't make some sort of statement about how there should be racial equality, they just agree to buy a toaster or car insurance like nothing special is going on here.
It's great.
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