I think I have previously narrated my experience with the board, and how I learned that the board was actually divided on the issue, and so I was facing both friends and foes, but from the way the board questioned me, because there were so many of them and only one of me, it was hard to tell who was who. We had recently had an issue of what color to paint the condos after the current cement work which is being done (another issue) is completed, and they sent out a survey showing five different kinds of off-white, which frankly all looked the same to me, so why couldn't we do that in this case?
Nope, nope, just can't be done, they had put a lot of work into this and in order to make a change they would have to send out some kind of notice and they complained about the cost. I have since learned that it would be like three thousand which comes out to three bucks a resident, big deal. I pulled an idea out of my head, what if I did a petition, actually I wasn't even sure if it would be legal and in accordance with condo rules, but the board collectively shrugged.
I was alternately fired up and maybe a little daunted by the idea, and wouldn't it take up a lot of time? In all of these battles with the board I get fired up so I force myself to do nothing for a couple days so as to have a cooler head to assess my next move. When I decided to go down to the concourse with my clipboard and numbered sheets of notebook paper I crossed my Rubicon.
Here I have to say to Old Dog that I am not merely content with observing my colored lights from inside my condo, I want to see them from the street also, and I want to see the the colored lights of the other residents also. It reminds me of one of those Suburban streets where everybody goes all out for Christmas and lines of cars full of wide-eyed kiddies slowly prowl down the street. Also as I observed, it is a matter of principle. All my life I have hated things like dress codes, all those nagging niggling petty little constraints, I just hate them. Not only do I want the right to choose my own form of lights for my balcony, but I think everybody should have that right.
See and that's one of the reactions I got when I was pressing my petition into the hands of passers by with better things to do. Some people didn't put out any lights on their balcony and were indifferent to how the condos looked from the street, but, they felt it was the right of people who so chose to have whatever kind of Christmas lights they want. Is not a man's home his castle?
First they came for people's lights and I said nothing because I had no lights, then they came for people's grills and I said nothing because I had no grill, and now they are coming for my LazyBoy by the window and there is no one left to defend me.
That sort of thing. I get fired up, I feel like I am at Valley Forge. That's why I take a couple days between action to cool off a bit. It's fine and dandy to be right, but it's more important to get the right thing done.
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