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Monday, June 17, 2019

Assimilaion Good - Extermination Bad

I didn't mean to imply that assimilation is a bad thing.  Indeed, I think it's the only thing that can restore peace and harmony after two cultures clash together.  All seven definitions of assimilation involve taking something in.  When you take something in, it becomes a part of yourself, even if it is not recognizable as it's original form.  The alternative would be extermination, which would be about the only way you could totally extinguish a culture.  I suppose that two cultures could co-exist side by side, but there would have to be some sort of boundary between them. It might be a physical barrier, but it wouldn't have to be, as long as both cultures respected each other's space.  Earlier I spoke of a period of conflict that can only be resolved by assimilation.  After Uncle Ken correctly pointed out that "conflict" was a poor choice of words, I changed it to "upheaval" but, the more I think about it, the word I was looking for is "animosity".  Animosity can certainly lead to conflict but, even if it doesn't, it's no fun to live with.  I seem to remember that my original assertion was that the current influx of Hispanics, both legal and illegal, is happening too fast for us to effectively assimilate them, and I still think I'm right about that.  I agree that I shouldn't have said the part about "in some circles".  Truth be known, I have no knowledge of such circles.  Maybe it's just me, but that's all I need anyway.

Not always, but in the current context, all asylum seekers are immigrants, but not all immigrants are asylum seekers.  The people waiting in line on the Mexican side are mostly asylum seekers who are seeking their asylum in a legal fashion.  Trump has claimed the idea of making them wait on the Mexican side as his own, but I seem to remember advancing that concept on this forum before Trump announced his intention of implementing it.  He was prevented by a court order at first, but that order was subsequently vacated by an appeal to a higher court.  I suppose the appeal is being appealed as well but, last I heard, Trumps directive still stands.  The asylum seekers who are turning themselves in after crossing the border illegally are illegal immigrants, pure and simple.  They are employing the asylum tactic in order to remain in the country while their cases are being adjugated, which could take years.  If they manage to produce a child while here, the child will be a natural born citizen, and the parents will not be deported because the courts have ruled that families may not be separated.  These people are gaming the system, but I don't blame them, I blame our government for maintaining a system that can so easily be gamed.

If Uncle Ken has been reading the same news articles to which I have been posting links, I'm surprised that he does not already know this stuff.  I suspect that he has actually been reading different articles than I have.  No other explanation makes sense.

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