Uncle Ken: A man's home is indeed his castle but, in your case, it's a collective castle that you share with a thousand or so other home owners. Although it's called "Marina City", I don't think that it meets the legal definition of a municipality, more like a corporation or a cooperative. When you bought your piece of the castle, you signed away some of your sovereignty, but not all of it. The only way to determine what rights you signed away and what rights you retained is to read the bloody contract. A lot of guys would have read the contract before they signed it, but better late than never. If the contract refers to other documents, you need to read those as well. I am guessing that the board itself operates under some kind of constitution or charter which describes the scope of its authority and any limitations thereof. It is not unusual for a governing body to try to usurp powers that have not been duly assigned to it. If they get away with it, it may establish a precedent that becomes more difficult to overturn as time goes by.
The petition you are circulating sounds like an advisory petition, not legally binding on the board, but possibly useful in persuading it to change its mind. What might have more impact is if a few hundred of your like minded neighbors would show up at a meeting. No need to shout, chant, or carry signs. Nobody falls for that shit anymore. Get together beforehand and come up with a written statement of your position, have somebody read it to the board in a calm, respectful, but assertive manner, and give a copy to each board member. That's enough for now, let me know how it comes out.
Meanwhile, back at the border:
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