Immigration quotas have been around for a long time, but they have been amended or changed a number of times over the years. I don't know what kind of quotas they had when our ancestors came here, but I'm pretty sure there were some kind of restrictions. That's why they made all the European immigrants funnel through Ellis Island, so they could control who got in and who didn't. They must have had something similar on the West Coast for the Asian immigrants, but I'm not familiar with that. An interesting thing about the act of 1965 was that it limited immigrants from Latin America for the first time, which had the following effect:
The elimination of the National Origins Formula and the introduction of numeric limits on immigration from the Western Hemisphere, along with the strong demand for immigrant workers by U.S. employers, led to rising numbers of illegal immigrants in the U.S. in the decades after 1965, especially in the Southwest.[25] Policies in the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 that were designed to curtail migration across the Mexican-U.S. border led many unauthorized workers to settle permanently in the U.S.[26] These demographic trends became a central part of anti-immigrant activism from the 1980s leading to greater border militarization, rising apprehension of migrants by the Border Patrol, and a focus in the media on the criminality of immigrants.[27]
I'm surprised to hear that there are still people in our age group who are not plugged into the internet. I thought I was the last holdout who finally came over in 2001. I used to joke that, since we were well into the 21st Century, it was about time that I caught up with the 20th.
Speaking of jokes, that was what my reference to Biblical prophecy was the other day. The Mark of the Beast (666) is mentioned in the Book of Revelation. I'm not sure what it means exactly, but the number 666 is commonly associated with the Evil Empire that will dominate the world during the End Times. Jesus said that "There will be wars and rumors of wars and earthquakes in various places" before the End comes, but you will be sure that the End is near when you see "the abomination that makes desolate" set up in the holy place. Well, this country was an Obama Nation before the Lord for eight years. Get it? (I knew some people on the internet who actually believed that back in the day. It took some research, but I managed to track down the original meaning for them, for which I was rewarded by being removed from their contact list.) The part about the Trump was a bit of a stretch. Actually it's supposed to be Gabriel's trumpet, which will be sounded to raise he dead on Judgement Day. I seem to remember hearing it referred to as "The Trump", probably in a hymn, where it was likely necessary to make it fit into the meter of the line. The reference to climate change was about some of us going to a very warm place after the Judgement. I won't mention their names, they know who they are.
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